NOMOS Glashütte/SA
Roland Schwertner KG
Ferdinand-Adolph-Lange-Platz 2
01768 Glashütte

Telephone +49 35053 404-960

Authoritative partner (full partner)
Uwe Ahrendt 

Registered court
District court Dresden

Registry number
HRA 2931

Tax identification number according to § 27a of the German tax law
DE 188372489 

Responsible according to § 55 RStV
Fanni Melzer, Paul-Linke-Ufer 42/43, 10999 Berlin, Germany

Concept and design/Development
Humans & Machines

Online dispute resolution (ODR) and consumer dispute resolution:
Hereby we (service(a) like to invite you to visit the Platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR ) of the European Commission. The ODR platform can be reached under the following Internet address: Please note that we are not obliged and in principle not willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure of consumer arbitration boards.

Subject to alterations.