Elles brillent en Saxe, la patrie de NOMOS Glashütte, mais aussi à travers toute l'Allemagne pendant la période de Noël : les célèbres étoiles en papier des Frères moraves, des décorations traditionnelles de Noël faites à la main depuis le XIXe siècle. Avec un peu de chance, vous verrez bientôt l'une d'elles briller chez vous.
Formulaire de participation
By filling out this form you are taking part in a one-day competition to win the prize described in the text and shown in the picture above. Prizes will be allocated and sent by January 2025 at the latest. All decisions are final and not subject to legal appeal. Entries from prize draw services will not be taken into consideration. If required, we will contact the winner and request a postal address in order to send the prize. We reserve the right to post the first name of the winner and their city of residence on our Facebook pages (facebook.com/nomoswatches and facebook.com/nomos.glashuette.sa). Your personal information will not be passed on to third parties.