
大尺寸、深色與神秘-這款腕錶配備鍍釕黑色錶盤。釕屬於鉑族金屬,能夠讓錶盤黑得更深邃,以襯托出淺色的刻度數字和指標。透過藍寶石水晶透明底蓋,可以欣賞到內部精美的紅寶石、回火藍鋼螺絲以及知名的格拉蘇蒂打磨工藝,這些裝飾元素令NOMOS Epsilon機芯顯得精巧無比。


More beautiful than plain black: a dial coated with ruthenium, a metal from the platinum group.

More beautiful than plain black: a dial coated with ruthenium, a metal from the platinum group.

Clear lines, angular form—all the way to the lugs, which are a tick more present on the wrist than those of Tangente.

Clear lines, angular form—all the way to the lugs, which are a tick more present on the wrist than those of Tangente.

