德國薩克森地區不僅是 NOMOS Glashütte 的發源地,也是摩拉維亞之星的故鄉。19 世紀以來,這裡的摩拉維亞教會就開始手工製作傳統的聖誕裝飾品。為了慶祝我們共有的撒克遜傳統,我們將送出這份禮物,為您的家中添加節日的歡樂氣氛。
By filling out this form you are taking part in a one-day competition to win the prize described in the text and shown in the picture above. Prizes will be allocated and sent by January 2025 at the latest. All decisions are final and not subject to legal appeal. Entries from prize draw services will not be taken into consideration. If required, we will contact the winner and request a postal address in order to send the prize. We reserve the right to post the first name of the winner and their city of residence on our Facebook pages (facebook.com/nomoswatches and facebook.com/nomos.glashuette.sa). Your personal information will not be passed on to third parties.